New book!

I finally started reading a new book and I’m very excited to finish it. One of my best friends told me about the book and we decided to read it together. I’m all about reading books that will help you grow and learn and I think this will help me in many aspects. We’re reading AWAKEN THE GIANT WITHIN – How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny by Anthony Robbins. I downloaded the book to my Kindle Fire and I’ve been reading it at home, at the nail salon and any little chance I have available. HAPPY READING!


Books and Movies

My friend Jose Mambo from sent me this link and I had to share! Below are a few of the books you’ll want to pick before they hit the big screen this year. I believe a few have already been released in theaters but definitely still a great read.

1. Beautiful Creatures – A supernatural story filled with magic and love.

2. Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks – Who doesn’t love a Nicholas Sparks novel?

3.  The Great Gatsby – A classic novel everyone should read. I’m very excited about the upcoming film which will be in theaters May 10.

4. World War Z – I’m looking forward to this film so I’m thinking of picking up the book. Brad Pitt will be in the film so it has to be amazing!

5. Catching Fire – I know everyone is ready for this film and I’m sure quite a few have read the book. If you haven’t and you want to read the book before the movie is in theaters, you have time. The movie will be in theaters November 22.

Read the rest here!


Happy Reading!

Click here to download over 80 classic books for free! From 1984 by George Orwell to Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, there’s definitely plenty of great books to read and it’s only a click away! It’s fast and easy and totally free! I downloaded 1984 by George Orwell and a few others to my Kindle Fire. Happy Reading!

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Must Reads!

I’m always looking for books to read so while researching online I came across a few books that I need to read/reread. Check out the list below!  I suggest you add these to your collection if you don’t already own them.


1984 by George Orwell – Classic and chilling prophecy about the futrure. Click here to read more about it and get it on






To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee – One of the best classics of all time and a book that I remember reading in one of high school English classes about a black man charged with the rape and abuse of a young white girl. Click here for more info on the book and how get it on






A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess – Depicts the heart wrenching insight into the life of a disturbed adolescent. Click here for more info on the book and how get it on






One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez – Gives you a sense of remembering the general importance of  our cultural history. Click here for more info on the book and how get it on






The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald – Another book I remember reading in high school that I really enjoyed! It’s a story out of the roaring 20’s with Jay Gatsby, a wealthy man in love with Daisy Buchanan. Click here for more info on the book and how get it on


Expand your mind

I love books! Reading has always been one of my favorite things to do since I was a child. I remember going to the store and heading straight to the book section and always checking out books at the library. Now as an adult, it’s a little more difficult to pick up a book and finish it. Work and life keeps me a little too busy and even though I still go to the bookstore and buy books, I don’t always read them all. The book I’m reading at the moment is Life of Pi by Yann Matel. I’ve actually been reading it for a few months, before the film was released in theaters and I must say it’s quite entertaining. It starts slow but once you get into it, the story really picks up. I’m almost finished and I’m loving every word. It definitely creates a story and you begin to visualize exactly what the character is going through. Below you’ll see the cover of the book and a brief summary. I suggest you pick it up if you’re looking for something new and exciting to read.


Summary: Pi Patel is the son of a zoo keeper in India and his life is turned upside down when his father announces that they’re moving to Canada on a huge freighter with the zoo animals. Pi soon finds himself alone after a shipwreck on a lifeboat with a zebra, hyena, an orangutan and Bengal tiger who are all fighting to survive.